
Business Masterclass: Does Your Business Need An IMS?

Counting, tracking and valuing physical inventory can be the source of many headaches for growing CPG brands. As your brand scales and inventory piles grow in value and complexity, you may be seeking to implement software systems to help manage this task.  During this session, we'll dive into this topic and help you to understand when and why […]

Member Small Group: Growing Your Business On Faire

All member brands in the Emerge Community are invited to join this small-group discussion. Come for support from fellow founders and their teams. Leave with clarity, best practices and tips for expanding your retail footprint and increasing your sales on Faire! Not yet a member of Emerge and would like to learn more? Let's Chat! 

Business Masterclass: Is Your Product Competitively Priced To Move Off The Shelf?

Learn how to develop or validate the right pricing strategy for your products and for your business, and what hidden traps exist. Pricing is both an art and science. Unfortunately, the system is very complicated and opaque by design. Remember what you think is your product’s SRP will rarely happen. You must know your numbers and importantly […]

Business-Building Seminar: Data 101 with SPINS

You're invited to our next live Business-Building Seminar hosted by our friends at SPINS. This live training is for you if you want to learn how to build a data-driven strategy to grow your business. It may feel daunting knowing what data you need to support your short and long-term growth goals. Even once you […]

Business Masterclass: Alternate Food Service Channels

Join us to learn about the many, many opportunities for your brand in the exciting foodservice/away-from-home channel. The food service channel can seem confusing and daunting like putting a 5,000-piece jigsaw puzzle together. We will simplify putting the puzzle together and chat about the operator/end-user as the key and distributor/re-distributor partners as secondary, but obviously necessary. […]

Member Small-Group: Disciplines For Successful Distributor Relationships

During this business small-group, four (4) distribution and sales experts from the Emerge Mentor Community will share the disciplines that you, as a growing CPG brand, need to be aware of and put into practice, to successfully partner with distributors. They’ll share best practices and tips for strategies, tactics and timing that every growing CPG […]

Business Masterclass: Are Your Accounting Practices Hurting or Helping Your Business?

No matter where you are in your growth journey, having the proper CPG accounting systems and practices in place to manage your inventory-based business is critical to help you continue to scale your business profitably and sustainably. But where do you start? The answer is not to hire a CFO. The answer is to implement the correct […]

2023 Summer Fancy Food Show

The 2023 Summer Fancy Food Show will be held at the Javits Center in New York City, June 25-27 More Details Here