
Transformative Growth For Early-Stage Founders

We’re Here to Help You Win At Each Step of Your Journey

We partner with early-stage founders – start to finish – to turn their passion into sustainable and profitable CPG brands.

In our Level 1 EVOLVE program clients clarify their distinctive positioning, strengthen their brand story and nail their messaging.

Clients who work with us in our Level 2 EMERGE program increase sales, gain more of the right distribution, and create greater impact.

Our proven process includes personalized 1-1 growth consulting, live business-building trainings, making invaluable founder-to-founder connections, and access to mentors in our global community.

Thrive in the evolving CPG industry!

  • Learning Pass

    • Essential CPG Instruction To Accelerate Your Growth
    • 12-months of proven instruction and specific guidance to grow your business smarter in areas like – increasing your sales, creating a path to profitability, strengthening your product messaging and packaging, driving more ROI at events and trade shows, marketing, working with retailers and distributors, financing and raising capital, selecting the right brokers and more…(without spending hours researching or networking)
    • Get trusted, real-time advice from experts you wouldn’t have access to on your own.
    • Receive action steps to work smarter (make fewer costly mistakes) and get better results faster.
    • Learn alongside your peers. You don’t have to do it alone!
    • Get accountability and structure – Make time to work “on your business” without having to cram it into weekends and after-hours.
    • Next Live Training: July 17 – Solve Your Production & Compliance Headaches with Wherefour Traceability & Manufacturing Software
    • Annual Learning Pass: $897
    • Count me in.
  • Evolve Program

    • Build a Solid Foundation for Sustainable Growth 
    • Clarify your brand purpose, core values and competitive advantage
    • Nail your messaging and develop ownable, compelling language
    • Drive more engagement, recall and boost your sales
    • For CPG founders, entrepreneurs and small business owners
    • Is Evolve right for you? Book a free Brand Audit to find out.
  • Emerge Program

    • Transformative Results For Founders Committed To Growth
    • Clarify & Strengthen Your Brand Story and Competitive Advantage
    • Nail Your Language, Messaging, Improve Your Brand Recall
    • Evolve & Strengthen Your Packaging
    • Gain More of The Right Distribution & Increase Your Sales
    • Improve Buyer Meetings with Analytics & Insights
    • Access Financing & Capital Solutions To Support Your Growth
    • Strengthen ROI From Trade Shows & Events
    • Get Personalized Intros and Access People & Solutions You Need, Fast.
    • Shorten your Learning Curve with Monthly Live Trainings
    • Discover new channels for growth
    • 24/7 On-Demand Resource Library
    • National Media Exposure & Reach
    • For CPG founders, entrepreneurs and your growing team