We Help CPG Founders Grow Sustainably And Profitably
About Us

We Help CPG Founders Grow Sustainably And Profitably

Emerge clients receive laser-focused guidance, tools and introductions to take their business to the next level, and progress faster towards their goals than if they were doing it alone.

They’re able to focus, shift from overwhelm into confident action, and save precious time, money and energy.

Are you ready to gain clarity, increase your sales and find out the next steps to grow your business?

Our Commitment

We are dedicated to strengthening the overall food, beverage and grocery industry and ensuring that there’s a seat at the table for every founder and entrepreneur. Emerging brands are driving the majority of innovation in our industry and we want to see more of them win. When they win, we all win with access to real food that nourishes our bodies, minds and souls and connects us to one another, and to our communities.


In addition to the global community of mentors and industry leaders who are part of Emerge, we’re grateful to collaborate with these industry alliance partners, so that we can strengthen the food and grocery industry together. We believe we are #strongertogether and together, we can have a greater collective impact inside of an industry we all care deeply about.


Our Industry Alliance Partners include: Specialty Food Association (SFA), Maine Center For Entrepreneurs (MCE), SNAC International and the Food Industry Association (FMI).


Specialty Food Association: Create, connect, support and share the extraordinary experience of specialty food with the world


Maine Center For Entrepreneurs: Empowering Maine’s Most Promising Entrepreneurs


SNAC International: Connecting the snack industry to create growth and opportunity


Food Industry Association (FMI) Resources:

Retailers/Wholesalers: FMI’s U.S. member directory and international members include Walmart, Amazon/Whole Foods, Safeway, Publix, HEB, Kroger, Wakefern, Wegmans and more.

Leadership: Whether you want to develop healthy trading partner relationships or seek more shelf space, Emerge gives you access to over 500 FMI Associate members.