Lunch & Learn: Brand And Product Architecture

During this substantive learning session, we'll share and discuss why having a brand and product architecture is important for your business as you scale. Join us to get-smart-quick and learn: * What is Brand Architecture? * Why Brand & Product Architectures are critical for your growing CPG business. * Step-by-Step Brand Architecture considerations for your […]

Lunch & Learn: Compostable Packaging Trends & Solutions For Growth

Join us for a conversation with Emerge mentor, industry leader and packaging expert and Chief Science & Sustainability Officer at Elevate Packaging, to learn about important trends in the earth-friendly, compostable packaging industry. Hear what early-stage CPG founders should consider when evolving their packaging, including: Compostable packaging industry trends and best practices to be aware […]

Free Webinar: Best Practices For Pricing & Packaging Changes

Making the decision to change pricing and/or packaging is tough! Once this decision is made, ensuring these changes are executed successfully in the marketplace is critical. Join us to learn and discuss best practices for managing pricing and packaging changes, including: Communication Process & Lead Time Customer Considerations and Requirements Inventory, Cost and Other Considerations […]

Advanced Masterclass: Evaluate The Effectiveness of Your Brand Positioning

What is a strong brand positioning, and why does it matter? In this Masterclass, we’ll review examples of best-in class and weak brand positioning platforms and demonstrate how they can impact a business, from current sales to future product development.  We’ll show you how to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of your brand positioning and […]

Live-Training: Is Your Packaging Setting You Up To Be A Category Leader?

As an entrepreneur and CEO, you’ve likely invested a lot of time and money to develop your packaging, but in the end, is it making the impact you want for your brand and business? Join us to learn how category leaders approach packaging format and design, to help them stand out in their category, build […]

Save Money & Streamline Operations in 2025

Imagine the impact on your business if you could drastically reduce logistics costs while supercharging your operational efficiency. What could you achieve with that kind of advantage? I’m partnering with […]