For Emerging brands building relationships with retailers, it’s important to know the issues, trends and operational insights that you would gain from a weekly Friday digest from the FMI Blog.
Subscribe to the Voice of Food Retail Blog and see the value! Here is a sampling from the 5/17/19 digest edition.
Your weekly digest from FMI Voice of Food Retail blog 
This week kicked-off the seventh-annual Infrastructure Week, with hundreds of organizations and companies coming together to stress the importance of a reliable, well-managed national infrastructure. This year’s iteration comes at a particularly opportune time, as the President and Congressional leadership in Washington, DC began talks for a bipartisan approach toward addressing our aging roads, railways, airports and waterways.
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A consistent theme we see in the lawmaking process is that absent state preemption, localities often take matters into their own hands when legislation they think is crucial is blocked at the state or federal level. As the wheel of government turns, these policies that local governments dreamed up and incubated in cities and towns then gradually percolate back to the state level as they gain press attention and popularity
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To date, the Court has decided 19 cases involving the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), cases involving a wide array of FOIA issues and critical procedural concerns. Not one of those cases, however, has involved the interpretation of FOIA’s Exemption 4, which protects “trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person [that is] privileged or confidential.” That changed recently. On April 22, the Court heard oral arguments in a case that has far-reaching implications for businesses’ confidential commercial information.
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From a business perspective, this makes sense—you don’t want to be the turtle or the hare in the race—but that doesn’t mean food retailers should ignore omnichannel. On the contrary, they need to be building the infrastructure and organizational scaffolding needed to reach the digital shopper of tomorrow. FMI and Nielsen have been working together for the past three years to better understand what it takes to meet the digital shopper. We’ve outlined seven imperatives that are needed to help a food retail organization obtain omnichannel success.
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