
Free Webinar: Best Practices For Pricing & Packaging Changes

Making the decision to change pricing and/or packaging is tough! Once this decision is made, ensuring these changes are executed successfully in the marketplace is critical. Join us to learn and discuss best practices for managing pricing and packaging changes, including: Communication Process & Lead Time Customer Considerations and Requirements Inventory, Cost and Other Considerations […]

Lunch & Learn Webinar Hosted by SPINS

Although all CPG brands want to grow and expand their footprint, early-stage CPG brands are in a unique position. It can feel daunting determining what data is needed to support your short and long-term growth goals, and once you receive the data, understanding what to do with it. During this webinar, we'll be speaking with […]

BFCM Planning Success Group (Member-only)

Join this small-group session to review your digital marketing plans and strategies for Black Friday and Cyber Monday! This live, small-group session is exclusively for Emerge member brands. For more details about how you can benefit from the resources our community provides, schedule an intro call here. 

NCN Fall Investor Event

Applications are open to present at the Nutrition Capital Network (NCN) Fall Investor Meeting, November 16-17th in San Francisco! During this event, 20+ health & wellness companies seeking capital will present their business plans to a group of diverse, active investors. Presenters represent categories in natural & organic foods, functional foods, supplements, ingredients & technology, personal […]

Education Session: Managing Your Back-Office Pain-Points

Did you go into business to process POs, chase trucks and/or follow-up on invoices? Probably not! Do these activities distract you from more accretive initiatives that allow your business to scale? Probably so! Our host for this eduction session is Black Ink Ops, a fractional operations and supply chain service provider (outsourced) that helps emerging brands manage back-office pain-points preventing them from scaling […]

2023 Winter Fancy Food Show

Hit the jackpot and take advantage of 3 days of discovery, sampling, trend-spotting, and networking at the 2023 Winter Fancy Food Show, January 15-17 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Thousands of makers, buyers, retailers, brokers, distributors, and other industry professionals attend the Winter Fancy Food Show, making it a can’t-miss event in the specialty […]