
Care & Share Virtual Community Call with Crisp

Join us for this bi-weekly virtual call, led by an Emerge mentor and Julie Pryor who leads the Emerge program. Celebrate, learn and ask questions, along side other founders of emerging brands in the community. Interested in learning more and receiving support from the Emerge community? See details here, or schedule time for an initial assessment […]

Emerge Care & Share Virtual Community Call with Proquo AI

Join us for this bi-weekly virtual session, hosted by Julie Pryor and the Emerge mentor community. Celebrate, learn and ask questions, along with other Emerge member teams. Not yet a member? See details here and schedule time for a free 30 minute consultation. All calls are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Emerge Member Care & Share with SPINS

Join us for this bi-weekly virtual session, hosted by Emerge CEO Julie Pryor and the SPINS team. Celebrate, learn and ask questions, along with other Emerge member teams. Not yet an Emerge member? See details here and schedule time for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss how joining the program can support your company growth goals! All […]

Emerge Member Care & Share with WeStock

Join us for this bi-weekly virtual session, hosted by Julie Pryor and the Emerge mentor community. Celebrate, learn and ask questions, along with other Emerge member teams. Not yet an […]

Emerge Member Care & Share with Raj Kapur

“It is not the strongest of species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” - Charles Darwin  We all agree that the world has […]

Emerge Member Care & Share with Specialty Food Partners

Join us for this fun and engaging virtual education session, hosted by Emerge CEO, Julie Pryor and the Specialty Food Partners (SFP) team. Specialty Food Partners (SFP) operates private online […]

Emerge Member Care & Share with Betsy Gillette

Join us for a fun and engaging virtual education session, as you and your teams continue to navigate during Covid and beyond! Join Emerge CEO, Julie Pryor and Betsy Gillette, […]

Emerge Care & Share with John Maggiore

Join us for a fun and engaging virtual education session, hosted by Emerge CEO Julie Pryor and John Maggiore, founder of Maggiore's Sales & Consulting and Emerge mentor. Learn and ask questions, along side […]